
A custom hook that locks and unlocks scroll.


import { useScrollLock } from "@teasim/hooks";
// Example 1: Auto lock the scroll of the body element when the modal mounts
export default function Modal() {
return <div>Modal</div>;
// Example 2: Manually lock and unlock the scroll for a specific target
export function App() {
const { lock, unlock } = useScrollLock({
autoLock: false,
lockTarget: "#scrollable",
return (
<div id="scrollable" style={{ maxHeight: "50vh", overflow: "scroll" }}>
{["red", "blue", "green"].map((color) => (
<div key={color} style={{ backgroundColor: color, height: "30vh" }} />
<div style={{ gap: 16, display: "flex" }}>
<button onClick={lock}>Lock</button>
<button onClick={unlock}>Unlock</button>